Background and Context
Research Motivation
Many individuals do not save enough to withstand adverse income shocks or prepare for retirement due to behavioral biases, but little is known about how to correct these biases at scale.
Study Setting
The study analyzes data from an Italian FinTech app called Gimme5 that allows users to set savings goals and invest small amounts in mutual funds.
The research uses a difference-in-differences approach by analyzing 122 randomly selected beta testers who received early access to goal-setting features compared to regular users.
Goal Setting Increases Monthly Savings
- Users double their savings when using goal-setting features
- Average monthly savings increase from €28.75 to €57.49
- Effect is statistically significant and economically meaningful
Goal Categories Distribution
- Half of users set generic savings goals without specific purposes
- Travel is the most common specific goal category at 20%
- Other specific categories (Car, Hobby, House) each comprise less than 10%
Dynamic Effects of Goal Setting Over Time
- Strongest effect in first month with €45 additional savings
- Effect stabilizes at €10-20 per month long-term
- Persistence indicates more than just initial enthusiasm
Investment Fund Selection by Goal Type
- Majority (55%) choose balanced funds
- 32% select fixed income funds
- Only 13% opt for pure equity funds
Goal Achievement Rates by Category
- Generic savings goals have highest completion rate
- Specific categories have lower achievement rates
- Car and house goals are hardest to achieve
Contribution and Implications
- Demonstrates that simple goal-setting features in FinTech apps can effectively increase personal savings
- Shows that "soft" goals without penalties can work at scale
- Provides evidence that digital tools can help address behavioral biases in saving decisions
Data Sources
- Monthly savings data from Table VI showing effect of goal setting on net deposits
- Goal categories distribution from Figure 3 bottom-right panel
- Dynamic effects from Figure 7 showing coefficient estimates over time
- Fund selection data from Figure 3 bottom-left panel
- Achievement rates derived from Table III goal achievement analysis