Key Findings
Liquidity Dominates Predictability
Liquidity emerges as the most important predictor in the Chinese stock market, contrasting with US market where trend indicators dominate
Retail Investor Impact
Strong predictability for small stocks due to retail investors' dominance, with monthly R² up to 7.27% compared to 0.4% in US market
SOE Performance
State-owned enterprises show higher predictability over longer horizons, with annual Sharpe ratios up to 4.12 for neural network models
Model Performance Across Market Segments
- Small stocks (Bottom 30%) show significantly higher predictability
- SOE stocks demonstrate lower short-term but higher long-term predictability
- Overall market predictability exceeds US market levels
Neural Network Portfolio Performance
- Performance remains robust even after including transaction costs
- Long-only strategy maintains significant economic value
- Strategy performs well during 2015 market crash and 2020 pandemic
Variable Importance by Category
- Liquidity measures are most influential predictors
- Fundamental factors rank second in importance
- Traditional momentum factors show less importance than in US market
Contribution and Implications
- First comprehensive machine learning analysis of Chinese stock market predictability
- Demonstrates unique characteristics of emerging markets dominated by retail investors
- Provides evidence that machine learning methods can generate economically significant returns even under trading constraints
- Shows importance of market structure and investor composition in determining predictability patterns
Data Sources
- Performance Chart: Based on Table 1 showing out-of-sample predictive R² for different market segments
- Sharpe Ratio Chart: Constructed using data from Table 10 showing portfolio performance including transaction costs
- Variable Importance Chart: Derived from Figure 2 showing characteristic importance for all models