Key Findings
Setting Goals Doubles Savings
Users who set savings goals through the FinTech app doubled their monthly savings rate from €28.75 to €57.49 on average.
Goal Setting Benefits All Users
Even users traditionally prone to undersaving significantly increased their savings after engaging with goal setting features.
Monitoring Drives Success
57% of users reported that the ability to monitor progress was the most motivating aspect of having savings goals.
Impact of Goal Setting on Monthly Savings
- Net deposits increased by €28.74 per month when users set goals
- Deposits increased by €34.56 while withdrawals only increased by €5.60
- The effect remains stable across different user groups
Goal Categories Distribution
- Generic "Savings" category represents about 45% of goals
- Travel is the most common specific category at 20%
- Car, Hobby, and House each comprise less than 10% of goals
Most Motivating Aspects of Goal Setting
- 57% cite progress monitoring as most motivating
- 28.5% motivated by goal purpose
- 10.4% motivated by having a deadline
Contribution and Implications
- First large-scale evidence that soft commitment devices can effectively increase savings
- Demonstrates that FinTech apps can help correct behavioral biases in saving decisions
- Provides insights for financial institutions implementing goal-setting features
- Shows potential for scalable intervention to improve household financial outcomes
Data Sources
- Savings impact data from Table VI showing regression results of goal setting on deposits
- Goal categories distribution from Figure 3 bottom-right panel
- Motivation aspects data from Figure 9 Panel A survey responses