Key Findings
Impact on Search Engine Revenue
Intermediary concentration leads to an 11.3% decline in Google's revenue, based on average HHI increase of 245 points following merger events
Market Concentration
The "Big Four" networks control 74% of search volume in 2017, with increasing concentration over time
Price Effects
Intermediary concentration primarily impacts revenue through lower cost-per-click (CPC), rather than changes in search volume or keywords
Network Market Share Evolution
- WPP and Publicis show increasing market share from 2014-2017
- Omnicom and Havas experience declining market share
- Independent agencies' share decreases from 13% to 6%
Revenue Components Analysis
- CPC shows significant negative correlation with concentration (-1.271)
- Search volume has weaker negative correlation (-0.669)
- Number of keywords shows moderate negative correlation (-0.842)
Market Structure Changes
- Average market has 37 keywords and 4 competing advertisers
- 40% of markets are highly concentrated (HHI > 2,500)
- Concentration increases from 37% to 47% between 2014-2017
Contribution and Implications
- First systematic analysis of countervailing power in digital advertising markets
- Novel approach to market definition using machine learning for keyword clustering
- Evidence that intermediary concentration can partially offset platform market power
- Insights for competition policy in digital platform markets
Data Sources
- Network market share evolution based on Table 1, Panel B market share data
- Revenue components analysis derived from Table 5 IV estimates
- Market structure metrics from Table 2 competitive clusters statistics