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Key Findings

Small Banks Maintain Market Share

Despite increased competition from nonbanks and fintech lenders, small banks maintained a stable market share of ~16-19% from 2008-2015, while larger banks saw significant declines.

Regulatory Burden Impact

Post-crisis regulatory burden fell disproportionately on Big4 banks through higher capital requirements and $100B+ in fines, allowing small banks to gain market share in affected areas.

GSE Lending Growth

Changes in GSE guarantee fees benefited small banks through elimination of volume discounts and overall fee increases, leading to growth in both GSE and balance sheet lending.

Market Share Evolution 2008-2015

  • Big4 banks saw dramatic decline from 33% to 12% market share
  • Small banks maintained stable ~16-19% share
  • Shadow banks grew significantly from 21% to 47% share

Regulatory Impact Across Bank Types

  • Big4 banks faced highest capital ratio increases
  • Mortgage servicing rights impact most severe for Big4
  • Fines disproportionately affected largest institutions

GSE Fee Structure Impact

  • G-fees converged between large and small lenders by 2015
  • Overall fee levels increased from ~30 to ~60 basis points
  • Small banks showed 5% GSE lending growth vs. -20% for Big4

Contribution and Implications

  • First study to document small banks' resilience amid fintech disruption and increased regulation
  • Demonstrates how regulatory burden heterogeneity creates opportunities for smaller institutions
  • Shows importance of GSE policy changes in reshaping competitive dynamics

Data Sources

  • Market Share Evolution chart based on Figure 1 showing aggregate lending shares over time
  • Regulatory Impact visualization derived from Figure 2 showing differential impacts across bank sizes
  • GSE Fee Structure chart constructed from Figure 6 showing guarantee fee changes from 2008-2015