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Key Findings

Higher Interest Rates for Minority Borrowers

Latinx and Black borrowers pay 4.7-4.9 basis points more for GSE and FHA home purchase loans and 1.5-1.6 basis points more for refinance loans compared to non-minority borrowers.

Geographic Disparities

Minority borrowers in high-minority-share census tracts pay significantly higher rates - up to 13.8 basis points more for GSE loans and 16.2 basis points more for FHA loans compared to non-minority borrowers in low-minority areas.

FinTech Impact

FinTech lenders show similar rate disparities as traditional lenders for GSE loans, but 27% lower disparities for FHA purchase loans and 37% lower for FHA refinance loans.

Interest Rate Differentials by Loan Type

  • Purchase loans show larger rate differentials than refinance loans
  • FHA and GSE loans exhibit similar patterns of disparities
  • Data from Table 3 showing baseline regression results

Geographic Impact on Interest Rates

  • High-minority areas show amplified rate disparities
  • FHA purchase loans exhibit the largest geographic disparity
  • Based on census tract analysis from Tables 5 and 6

FinTech vs Traditional Lender Rate Differentials

  • FinTech lenders show lower disparities for FHA loans
  • GSE loan disparities remain similar across lender types
  • Data sourced from Table 4 comparing FinTech and non-FinTech lenders

Contribution and Implications

  • First comprehensive study of mortgage discrimination in the post-crisis era using both traditional and FinTech lenders
  • Demonstrates persistence of lending disparities despite technological advances in loan origination
  • Highlights the role of geography in amplifying lending disparities
  • Estimates minority borrowers pay over $450 million extra in interest annually

Data Sources

  • Interest Rate Differentials Chart: Constructed using regression coefficients from Table 3
  • Geographic Impact Chart: Combined data from Tables 5 and 6 showing census tract effects
  • FinTech Comparison Chart: Based on coefficients from Table 4 comparing lender types