Key Findings
FinTech Research Growth
156 research proposals were submitted from 409 authors across 183 universities worldwide, demonstrating explosive growth in FinTech academic research
Major FinTech Areas
Research clusters around peer-to-peer lending (47 proposals), blockchain (28 proposals), and big data applications (27 proposals)
Author Demographics
63% of submissions came from early-career researchers (PhD students and Assistant Professors), with broad international representation
Distribution of FinTech Research Topics
- Peer-to-peer lending dominates research focus with 47 proposals
- Blockchain and big data each represent about 17% of submissions
- Emerging areas like robo-advisors and social media have smaller but significant representation
Geographic Distribution of FinTech Researchers
- US leads with 49.9% of contributing researchers
- China represents 11.5% of contributors, showing strong Asian presence
- European countries collectively represent significant portion with UK, Germany leading
Academic Rank of Contributors
- Assistant Professors form largest group of contributors
- Strong representation from PhD students indicates future growth potential
- Balance between junior and senior researchers shows broad appeal
Contribution and Implications
- First comprehensive academic initiative to systematically study FinTech through registered reports format
- Identifies key research priorities in blockchain, lending platforms, and big data applications
- Creates foundation for future research agenda in FinTech
Data Sources
- Topics chart based on Figure 5 showing distribution of 156 proposals across major topic areas
- Geography chart based on Figure 3 showing country distribution of 409 authors
- Academic rank chart based on Figure 2 showing distribution of authors by academic position